Perfectly timed as we go into Halloween and Holiday Events…
Vintage dress up and shopping at SiTenne with Vintage Expert, Stylist and Rome Community Manager of Girl Gone International, Désirée Marie Townley of The Cut and The Cloth.
Entrance is FREE, prosecco is always appreciated!
*Homemade sweets by Dolly’s Tea Service
*Meet Lydia Witt of The Sewing Cooperative, our go-to seamstress
*Vintage Dress is not required but will be greeted with enthusiasm.
This is your chance to ask questions and meet one another.
Let us go into the Fall, with our ‘pencils sharpened’ and more importantly; dressed in a pencil skirt 😉
In the windows some masks made by Alessio Fratini
This is a really special event and I can’t wait to see you all there! ♥
Sarà il nostro anticipo di #Halloween. 💀 👻💀 👻
Shopping #vintage fra le meraviglie di SiTenne, accompagnati dalla stilista ed esperta Désirée Marie Townley, che sbarca nel nostro negozio con l’associazione per donne all’estero Girl Gone International e che ha disegnato per noi due splendide vetrine a tema #Hitchcock.
Ingresso gratuito, aperitivo offerto fino ad esaurimento… e se porti una bottiglia noi siamo felici 😸
🔴 Dolcetti fatti in casa da Dolly’s Tea Service
🔴 Incontro con Lydia Witt, The Sewing Cooperative
🔴 Nessun dressing code richiesto… ma se ti va di esprimere la tua creatività SiTenne è il posto giusto.