Ebbene si! Sitenne si è rifatto lo #stile! 😲😲😲
Stavolta siamo noi ad aver cambiato #look e vogliamo festeggiare con un aperitivo ed un #performing act di Lívia Nestrovski & Fred Ferreira, duo brasiliano fuori dagli schemi, sospeso come noi fra #antico e #contemporaneo, #classico e #moderno, #sperimentazione e #stile. 💣💣💣
La formula è quella consueta: aperitivo offerto, con grande apprezzamento per chi vuol portare una bottiglia o qualcosa da mangiare.
Dalle ore 18.30 ascolteremo musica, berremo qualche bicchiere 🍸 e brinderemo con simpatia e cotillons 🎉.
Cosa aspettate allora?
Cambieremo lo stile a tutti, belli e brutti!
Sitenne just #restyled! Uh yeah! 😲😲😲
It was our turn: we changed our look and now we want to celebrate with you offering a performing act by Lìvia & Fred, a #brazilian #duo #outsidethebox, between ancient and contemporary, classic and modern, #experimentation and style… just like us.💣💣💣
Rules will always be the same: free drinks, with great appreciation for those who will bring a bottle or something to eat.
From 6.30 pm we will listen to music and drink some glasses 🍸🎉.
So… what are you waiting for?
Remember that we can really change your style…
Lívia Nestrovski & Fred Ferreira DUO
Classical and modern, popular and contemporary, from Brazil and the World, as much experimental as it is welcoming, the ride outlined by Lívia and Fred is subtle, unexpected, inspired. Through songs by Kurt Weill, Zé Miguel Wisnik, Benjamin Britten, Arrigo Barnabé, Maurice Ravel, Milton Nascimento and music from a new generation of composers, the duo creates narratives and conducts affects. Six years after their album debut, and having toured USA, France, Portugal, Spain, England, Germany, Czech Republic, Estonia, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Lebanon, Syria, and all regions of Brazil, with an average 35 concerts per year, they now prepare their second album, which flirts with the world of electronics and synthesized sounds.